Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wonderful Wednesday!!

I hope that you've also had a wonderful day :)

Work is going quite well today -- especially for end of the quarter! I've been super busy today and am just now really taking a break. I'm also getting out a few GCS Registration Confirmations while I'm on the phone working LOL -- Multi-tasking, that should be my middle name, er... or maybe first name! LOL

We have 104 people register for GCS New Orleans! We still have more seats open so if you haven't signed up, please do asap before they are all gone.

We have some new things happening over at The Paperplace Scrapbooking Community beginning April 1 :) DT Member Kelly will start "Layout of the Day" -- I can't wait for this. Then on May 1, DT Member Heather will be starting something that is a SURPRISE for right now. You'll have to stick around and see what it's all about!

Well, got to run. Have a wonderful day!

Great Wednesday :)

I hope that you've also had a wonderful day :)

Work is going quite well today -- especially for end of the quarter! I've been super busy today and am just now really taking a break. I'm also getting out a few GCS Registration Confirmations while I'm on the phone working LOL -- Multi-tasking, that should be my middle name, er... or maybe first name! LOL

We have 104 people register for GCS New Orleans! We still have more seats open so if you haven't signed up, please do asap before they are all gone.

We have some new things happening over at The Paperplace Scrapbooking Community beginning April 1 :) DT Member Kelly will start "Layout of the Day" -- I can't wait for this. Then on May 1, DT Member Heather will be starting something that is a SURPRISE for right now. You'll have to stick around and see what it's all about!

Well, got to run. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, March 26, 2007

What a MONDAY this has been!

I've been busting it since I got up this morning LOL! First, it took 30 minutes to clean up the kitchen, unload/reload the dishwasher, etc before I ever even got the coffee pot started..... We worked outside in our yard all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I hadn't really done much inside the house so my kitchen was a wreck. I'm tired as all get out, but, I feel good about everything we accomplished. So, it's a good tired kinda feeling.

Well, it's definitely SPRING :) All the water oaks are putting on their new lime green leaves and pollinating with those weird looking little fuzzy things falling all over the place. And the live oaks are shedding old leaves and putting on new leaves all at the same time. The azaleas are all blooming along with the dogwoods! My neighbor's wisteria is blooming and it is just beautiful! I just love this time of the year -- if the weather could just stay like this all year long.... ah, this must be what heaven's weather is like ;) Sunshine, gorgeous blue skies, beautiful spring flowers everywhere.... Here's some pics I took....

And with Spring comes SPRING CLEANING.... that includes my goldfish pond -- all 300 gallons of it LOL. This afternoon after work, I get to put my shubunkins back into their home (and out of the aquarium inside). They are almost as long as the aquarium inside... they probably won't fit in there next year when I do my annual pond cleaning. They are just so pretty though and I've had them now for several years so I'm rather attached to them.

When we were cleaning out the goldfish pond, we found a huge bullfrog! So he also went into his own container and I set him loose early this morning back into the pond. We also found a white oak rat snake -- a baby He was on the other side of the house. So DH got him into a container and away we went to B&B Pet Stop. They take donations :) This is the 2nd white oak rat snake I've donated. As long as he's not at my house anymore -- that's all I care about!

My garden is growing quite well. I'll have to take some pics and post for you to see. I'll also get some pics posted of my goldfish pond and deck area. I could just live down there in the Spring :)

Well, work today has been so busy! And time has flown by so quickly. I really wish I had a couple of more hours of actual worktime today to finish up. But, that's ok -- there's tomorrow. It's end of the month and end of the quarter so there's always a big push on to get all the invoices collected. Got to run -- a couple more loose ends to tie up before heading home tonight :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What a GREAT Weekend :)

I hope that you also had a great weekend! I got to scrap this weekend with all my friends -- what could be better than spending all day Saturday with friends doing what I like to do best???

I also got to do some shopping with my friend Viv too. We went to the Semmes scrapbook store where I picked up a couple of things before heading off to Tuesday Morning to pick up some of the K&CO album sets for GCS gifts.

I also have a couple of pics to share of my dear friend Wendi's kids :) They went on an Easter egg hunt while we scrapped on Saturday. And they played on all the slides, swings, etc that were set up at the hunt. Here's a pic of Casey in the big jumper looking back like he's thinking "SAVE ME"

OH, and they got to go on a hay ride with the Easter bunny (someone that dear Casey didn't really care for at all!) As you can tell from this pic, Casey isn't too sure about that Easter bunny sitting at the front of the hay wagon.

Here's some more pics from Saturday...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How's Your Day?

It's Tuesday afternoon -- almost 4 PM. I've had a pretty busy day today at work. I'm really getting excited about this weekend coming up. A entire day and night of scrapping on Saturday!! Yippeeee! I'll be scrapping with the SPPS crew from 8 AM till midnight. I haven't seen some of my friends since January so it will be so nice to spend time and scrap with them.

Tonight while I'm helping DS with her spelling words, I'm going to start organizing my "stuff" and figure out what I'm going to be working on this weekend. I still have to finish up my pics from the cruise.... Oh, I purchased a cruise themed 12x12 scrapbook (postbound) at WalMart last week. I have just about decided to have 1 cruise scrapbook that would include all the cruises that we go on.

Also, the NEW Design Team at PPSC is getting ready to kick off! I'm very excited about being a part of this fabulous team! Here's a toast to all my PPSC Design Team buddies -- >

There's some awesome scrappers on our team and it is going to be so much fun working and designing with them. I can learn so much from them because they are so talented and full of creativity :)

Our DT Leader, Holly has some great things in mind for the DT members to work on. I can't wait for the announcement on the message board. But I will keep MUM on it for now ---- you'll just have to stay tuned and find out later

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Registration for GCS New Orleans is OPEN!

Whew -- we are more than 1/2 sold out of our upcoming GCS New Orleans event! Here's the link: Our event will be held at the New Orleans Airport Hilton. It's an awesome hotel! We love it there :) Everything is so clean and nice! And the staff there is the best....

I will start sending out registration confirmations today (it's taken a while to get my database updated with all the registrations!).

Congrats to the PPSC Design Team!!

We have a new Design Team at PPSC!

Holly (Newty) -- Design Team Leader
Design Team Members:
Kelly (7krazykids)
Kim (3qtkidz)
Lynne (nujlh)
Debby (dhami8460)
Heather (mommyribs)
Lisa (LisaTanner)
Judy (MagnoliaMemories)

I can't wait for us to get started :) Plus there are lots of NEW things in the works at PPSC for the month of March ..... stay tuned!

OMG -- I'm so late in updating my BLOG!

I've been pretty busy these last couple of weeks! And I just checked and it's been since Feb/11 that I updated. Wow, so much has happened since then.

The weekend of Feb/16-18, I went to Orange Beach with a couple of scrapping buddies (Hi Lynne, Debbie, Kylie, Tonya). Debbie rented us a condo at Bluewater and we scrapped the entire weekend :) We had the best time! Thanks for setting this up Debbie! I really got a good bit accomplished this weekend and I can't wait for us to go back again.

The weekend of Feb/22-25, I was back again in Orange Beach with Gulf Coast Scrappers! What a weekend :) We had so much fun, and of course (as usual), I didn't get any scrapping done LOL But that was a work weekend for me so it's ok. Mississippi Paper Arts (hi Carrie) was our store vendor for GCS and she brought loads of great Scenic Route stuff (I really do like this!). I picked out the SR paper that I decided to use for my "All About Me" layout for the 4th week of DT Contest at The Paper Place Scrapbooking Community :) And here it is: